Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Not Really a Surprise, But Still a Shock

Knowing it was coming didn't make it any easier to accept.  For several weeks my boss had been intimating that the powers that be in the company were making overhead cuts that would eventually put me out of work.

I really appreciated the advance notice.  I shared the news with my bride of 36 years so there would be no surprise there.  I also immediately started putting my paper on the street.  Still, when the phone call came that my boss wanted to see me in person, it sorta took my breath away.  The wolves were finally at the door.

But that is an over-dramatization.  My wife and I are much more fortunate than many who find themselves in the same boat.  We were able to pay off all our bills except for the house and a car payment while I was in Afghanistan for 15 months.  So the huge cut in pay - close to 70% - will be very painful, it's not catastrophic.  We don't think we'll have to give up our house - yet.  I did sell my Honda Accord coupe - the tricked out one that I bought myself as a reward for 15 months in a combat zone.  But I was able to pay off the loan and actually got some money back - so that was good.  I have also put my boat on the market.  Hope we can sell that soon - but I was smart enough to buy insurance to cover the payments for 6 months in case I got laid off - so that takes some pressure off.

Wanna buy a boat?  Check it out!


So anyway, I'm on the street and banging around looking for a place to land.  Still too young to retire, but too old to be really competitive!  Jeez...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Andy - don't forget to add a link to your resume too! Hope your search is short and prosperous - fellow j-lister, Deirdre
